
Thursday, March 3, 2011

East Coast Extravaganza Day 2: Rhode Island

On Wednesday morning I got up and went for a run to explore Newport. It is an adorable quaint beach town with a bunch of cute boutiques and restaurants. I grabbed starbucks, popped in a few stores, and headed back to the girls to get ready and check out the Newport Mansions before getting on our train for New York!
One of the boutiques I loved called Pink Pineapple

All the buildings looked like this

Beginning of the mansions

Kaira's old house

the view

Just a few of the breathtaking mansions. My pictures don't do justice to how grand they really are. 

People still live in many of them but some have been turned into museums. 

Saint Mary's Catholic Church where John and Jacqueline Kennedy were married

After our last shots of Rhode Island we rushed to our train (literally made it in seconds) it was funny and scary all at the same time! Our train ride was beautiful as we saw sights of Connecticut as we passed through and the sun was setting. We would soon be arriving in the heart of New York just in time for the bright lights!

train buddies Kaira and Me

Lesley and Whitney

We made it! Madison Square Garden

My first sight of Manhattan

We dropped our bags, and headed for the concierge desk to ask him where a good Italian restaurant was. But first a quick ten second photo shoot....

 silly girls

We spotted a sign with Whitney's name!


My fave! The concierge led us to Luna Piena where the owner and chef are from Rome. We had an authentic Italian dinner and adorable servers who kept saying how beautiful we were. A meal can't get much better than that!

 desserts to share, tiramisu 

and the beginning of my obsession with sorbet!

Outside the restaurant!

 Then we were back to our first nights stay at the gorgeous Waldorf Astoria. Check out the Empire State Building lit up in the background.

 The chandelier at the entrance of the Waldorf

Night one in New York home safe and sound and ready for an early morning!

P.S. Thank you Kaira and Ryan for letting us crazy girls crash your place! You were wonderful hosts!

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